Thursday, 20 January 2011

Mac vs PC

Kate has decided she doesn't want to lug her laptop back and forth from work.

It's big.

It's heavy.

She has 3 handbags already.

And often a baby to boot.

So we're now looking to buy one for home, and the age old Mac vs PC question has reared its head.

We're both PC users by upbringing, but have always dreamed of getting a Mac because, well, it's a Mac, right? Lots of features we'll never use but very, VERY nice to look at.

Sadly, dreams looked to be shattered when we started looking at cost, and pragmatic Kate instantly reverted to the PC option.

But with an uncharacteristic display of canny wife outmanoeuvrement this morning, I explained that Maddy would herself be using a computer before too long, and that it'd be in our interest to get a more intuitive machine, so that even if we're not going to start mixing music and editing feature-length films, at least she could.

And you know what? Kate bought it.

I knew that baby would come in handy one day.

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