Sunday, 24 January 2010

The in-laws

We've just said goodbye to my wonderful in-laws, Phil & Jen, who were down for the weekend.
I assume that when you retire you cease to follow the long-established Roman calendar week, as coming for the 'weekend' these days seems to mean arriving on Thursday and staying until Sunday. Or maybe it's a Northern thing.
Not that I mind, of course. They are really quite entertaining and over the 'weekend' we did manage to resolve the not insignificant matter of maternal grandparent nomenclature.
Phil, apparently once famed for his sunny disposition and wide smile, used to be known as 'The Grinner'. That, however, was long before my time. The man I have grown to know and respect over the years as my father-in-law will be known not as Grandpa, but as 'Grumps'.
Sadly, the years have not been kind to Jen. Once a shoe-in for the Maths Olympiad and later everyone's favourite pub quiz team captain, her memory and ability to talk any sense have long since departed. As a result, she has been christened 'Granny Pigeon', or 'Pidge' for short.
We have a long to do list at the moment, so Kate and I are very pleased that we've managed to cross off these items.

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