Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Two great Kate-isms (in just one day)

On (finally) telling people at work that she's pregnant:

"It's really embarrassing - like admitting to you Dad that you have sex."

On today's stomach goings-on:

"I felt the baby move about today. Or it could have been wind."

Friday, 2 October 2009

Getting in some practice

With the wonderful Kai out in Portugal last week:

And the amazing BabyBjorn:

First 'maternity mate'

On the bus into work today after our 16 week appointment with the hilarious midwife Maxine, Kate struck up a conversation with another mum-to-be we'd seen in the waiting room.

Kate got straight on the phone afterwards to tell me ALL about it.

Hannah, who lives just around the corner from us in Queens Park, is 11 weeks and so due on April 22nd.

And they even swapped mobile numbers (very out of character for my beloved) so that Hannah can call Kate after she's had her 12 week scan.

An extraordinary turn of events.
